School group at Hikitia floating crane

Group Walks

See what you want - when you want

  This service will appeal to:

Email us  at  before you start planning your visit to Wellington and we will get back to you.

If you tell us what you want to see and do, we can help you to plan your visit and make sure that the guided walk we prepare for you will complement your other activities.

We can include refreshment stops in your walk and we will work in with other places you want to see in the city so that your whole visit runs smoothly. 

Prices for personalised and group walks will be negotiated once the details of the walks have been discussed. Minimum charges apply. 

As our charge includes GST, a tax invoice can be supplied on request after payment has been made.

Enquiries should preferably be made at least 4 weeks ahead.  

 Oriental Bay

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